Among all seaside hotels of Xiamen, Lujiang Harbourview Hotel undoubtedly is the most time-honored and best reflects Xiamen characteristics. She wasonce the tallest building in Xiamen, boasting the first elevator in Xiamen. She opened the first bar, the first night club, etc. in Xiamen. As the most representative landmark building on Lujiang Road, she has witnessed the elegance and prosperity of both banks of the Lujiang River for a hundred years and embodies Xiamen style of combination of Chinese and western elements as well as tradition and modernity.

This half-century old hotel is located in the central section of Lujiang Road on the Island Ring Road, in close proximity to the bustling century-old business street of Zhongshan Road, facing Gulangyu Islet, the most beautiful urban area in China known as “Garden on the sea”, across the sea. Among 154 guestrooms, she has all types of suites and sea-view rooms with balcony.,from which the panorama of Gulangyu Islet is accessible. It is the first hotel in Xiamen with all guest rooms equipped with notebook computers.


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Hotel Honor
Lobby Bar


Lujiang Cafe

几十年来,鹭江咖啡厅始终引领着时尚生活的最新风潮,至今,依然是体验厦门精致生活的最佳场所。 独特的设计由英国皇家资深酒店设计师陈展雄先生全程把关,非凡的美食特聘曾任雅加达富丽华国际大酒店西餐厨师长的郑艺阳先生主理,在厦门二十多家高端酒店 自助餐的网络排名中,口碑稳居前茅。